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Atomic structure
Element USES
physical property
Chemical property
Geological data
Biology data

Atomic structure

Atomic radius/A: 1.72
Atomic volume/cm3 / mol: 16.3
Electronic configuration: 1 2 3 4 s2p6 s2 s2p6d10 s2p6d10 5 s2p2
Ion radius/A: 0.69
Covalent radius/A: 1.41 oxidation state: 4, 2


Ancient is known.


Mainly exists in tin quarry (SnO2) and stannine mine (Cu2FeSnS4), these ore mainly distributed in malaya, Indonesia, Zaire, Nigeria, Bolivia, and other countries, with coal reduction can be pure metal.

Element USES

Used as coating steel cans, and can also be used to solder (Sn: 67% 33% Pb), tin copper alloy (20% Sn: 80% Cu). Tin fluoride (SnF5) used to toothpaste, tin also used in the manufacture of superconducting magnets, tin most is alloy and application.

physical property

State: has the very good ductility white metal.

Melting point (℃) : 232.06
Boiling point (℃) : 2270
Density (g/cc, 300 K) : 7.31

Than hot/J/gK: 0.227
Evaporation heat/KJ/mol: 295.8
Melting hot/KJ/mol: 7.029

Conductive rate / 106 / cm: 0.0917
Coefficient of thermal conductivity/W/cmK: 0.666

Geological data

Retention time/year: unknown

The sun (relative to the H = 1 x 1012) : 100 sea/P.P.M. :
The earth's crust/P.P.M. : 2.2 the Atlantic ocean surface: 2.3 x 10-6 Pacific surface:
Atmospheric/P.P.M. (volume) : the Atlantic ocean depths: 5.8 x 10-6 deep in the Pacific:

Biology data

Content in the human body
Liver/P.P.M. : 0.23-2.3
Organs: muscle/P.P.M. : 0.33-2.4
Blood/mg dm-3 c 0.38 days intake/mg: 0.2-3.5
Bone/P.P.M. : 1.4 (70 Kg) are total body/mg: 20

Detailed information

